الثلاثاء، أغسطس 15، 2006

التعامل مع الرافضة لضرب الأعداء غير ممكن

وهل يمكن التعامل معهم لضرب العدو الخارجي كالشيوعية وغيرها

لا أرى ذلك ممكنا، بل يجب على أهل السنة أن يتحدوا وأن يكونوا أمة واحدة وجسدا واحدا وأن يدعوا الرافضة أن يلتزموا بما دل عليه كتاب الله وسنة الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم من الحق، فإذا التزموا بذلك صاروا إخواننا وعلينا أن نتعاون معهم، أما ما داموا مصرين على ما هم عليه من بغض الصحابة وسب الصحابة إلا نفرا قليلا، وسب الصديق وعمر، وعبادة أهل البيت كعلي - رضي الله عنه - وفاطمة والحسن والحسين، واعتقادهم في الأئمة الإثني عشرة أنهم معصومون وأنهم يعلمون الغيب؛ كل هذا من أبطل الباطل وكل هذا يخالف ما عليه أهل السنة والجماعة.
المفتي: الشيخ العلامة عبد العزيز بن باز رحمه الله
[1] يقصد السائل الرافضة، لأن هذا السؤال له ارتباط بما قبله، أي الفتوى رقم 1744.
مجلة المجاهد ـ السنة الأولى ـ عدد 10 شهر صفر 1410هـ - مجموع فتاوى ومقالات متنوعة الجزء الخامس.

الأحد، أغسطس 06، 2006

Turaath and the current crisis in Lebanon

* Once again we see the heads of this jam'iyyah bid'iyyah involved in protests (the hukm of which we mentioned in the post before this one) and cooperation with those who curse the Companions of Allaah's Messenger (صلى الله عليه و سلم), the Raafidah Shee'ah [i.e. Hezbollah]!! Did he ever stop to think that it is Hezbollah who are the cause of the killing we are seeing everyday in Lebanon, and here he is, speaking at a rally against violence in Lebanon with who?????? HEZBOLLAH!!So here we have this Turaathee, and not just your run-of-the-mill turaathee, but the head of the political office of Turaath's Harakatus-Salafiyyah, surrounded by people chanting "We are Hezbollah!", and he has the audacity to say:

"There are no Sunnis, there are no Shiites - only Muslims"

Yesterday one of our brothers here showed us a video clip of Hezbollah's leader Hasan Nasrullah cursing the noble Sahaabee Aboo Sufyaan (رضى الله تعالى عنه) and accusing him of hypocrisy and plotting against the deen of Muhammad (صلى الله عليه و سلم) up until the day that he died - in a open lecture. How can anyone who ascribes himself to Islaam and claims to love the Messenger and his Sunnah hear such filth and not feel sick to his stomach??!!, unless of course you are Taariq as-Suwaydaan. Then what about attending rallies with them and saying the rubbish that this guy said? But of course their saying things like this come as no surprise, especially if one were to look at the title of an article by Turaath's biggest MP, Dr. Waleed at-Tabtabaa'ee, on the front page of the Kuwaiti newspaper Al-Watn:

"I'm a sunnee...and I love the Shee'ah"And that was just the title! Check out an example of what he wrote inside the article:

"...so I shout out and I say: 'I am a sunnee and I love the shee'ah!', and let every shee'ee shout out and say: 'I am a shee'ee and I love the Sunnees!'. And it is better that we say all together: 'We are Muslims and all of us are Muslims'..."Source: Al-Watn newspaperDate: 18/12/2005Ahhh! Look at that, a "cum ba ya moment", everyone holding hands 'round the 'ol campfire... أعوذ بالله. Maybe he forgot that many of the 'Ulamaa', past and present (like Shaykh 'Ubayd has mentioned) make takfeer of the Raafidah shee'ah!الله المستعان

* So to Turaath, part of the solution is for the oppressed, downtrodden people of Palestine is to join ranks with the Shee'ah group Hezbush-Shaytaan (who follow that dog Khomeini and are openly connected and funded by Iran), and the Khaarijee/Ikhwaanee groups like Islaamic Jihaad and the very popular Hamas (click hereto see the reality of Hamas and hereto read about it!)? _____________________________
Aboo Sufyaan 'Uthmaan Beecher Kuwaitأبو سفيان عثمان بيشر الأمريكي
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